Diane Allison is the Director of Business Services for the Ascension Parish School Board, a K-12 public school district located in southeastern Louisiana, and a graduate of Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Her work over the past five years managing the financial and accounting functions of a $300 million dollar local government include budget preparation and analysis, investing and managing public funds, issuing tax-exempt debt, grants accounting, capital asset accounting, legal compliance, risk management, implementing strong financial policies and procedures, and preparation of audit schedules and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Dianes previous experience includes working as the Controller of a manufacturing company, CFO of a special-district local government, Controller of a not-for-profit organization, and in public accounting as an auditor and consultant to the firms governmental and nonprofit clients. Throughout her 15-year governmental accounting career Diane has embraced and early implemented governmental accounting standards, most recently participating in the GASBs leases field test project.
Diane has published articles in accounting trade journals, presented governmental accounting, nonprofit, and financial literacy topics to various groups and has served on a variety of professional and non-profit boards.