
Dawn M. Stark CPA, CHFP

Partner, Healthcare Technical Leader, Plante Moran

Dawn is a healthcare audit partner in Plante Moran’s Columbus office. Dawn has more than 20 years of experience focused on providing services to healthcare organizations, including hospitals and health systems, senior living, and other healthcare related entities. She serves as Plante Moran’s Healthcare Technical Leader. As part of her role at Plante Moran, she oversees the engagement quality review process for the firm’s healthcare clients, assists in the development of firm guidance for implementation of accounting standards, and consults on complex accounting and reporting issues for healthcare organizations. She serves as a member of the AICPA National Healthcare Conference Committee, Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants and Health Care Financial Manager's Association (HFMA). She is also a board member of the Central Ohio HFMA chapter and HFMA’s Principle and Practices Board.


  • Thumbnail for Healthcare 101
    November 10, 2015
    The first part of this workshop will introduce participants to the legal environment that shapes the structure and function of the American health care system…


    Speaker Image for Dawn Stark
    Dawn M. Stark, CPA, CHFP
    Partner, Healthcare Technical Leader, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Jay Adkisson
    Partner, RSM US LLP
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Health Care 101
    November 16, 2016
    The first part of this workshop will introduce participants to various reimbursement mechanisms in the revenue cycle and other unique activities impacting health care…


    Speaker Image for Jay Adkisson
    Partner, RSM US LLP
    Speaker Image for Dawn Stark
    Dawn M. Stark, CPA, CHFP
    Partner, Healthcare Technical Leader, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for CFO Hot Topics Panel
    November 8, 2018
    Health care providers are faced with many challenges and key decisions. This facilitated panel discussion, including CFOs from various health care providers, will share insights on the key issues facing their organizations…


    Speaker Image for Tina Hogeman
    Tina Hogeman, MT, MS, CPA
    CFO, HCA
    Speaker Image for Cecelia Moore
    Chief Financial Officer, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Speaker Image for Tanya Hahn
    Tanya K. Hahn, CPA, MBA
    Senior Vice President/CFO, National Church Residences
    Speaker Image for Jim Caruso
    Jim Caruso, CPA, CGMA
    Chief Financial Officer, Simplura Health Group
    Speaker Image for Dawn Stark
    Dawn M. Stark, CPA, CHFP
    Partner, Healthcare Technical Leader, Plante Moran
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Introduction to the World of Health Care Finance, Regulations and Strategy
    November 6, 2019
    This workshop is not available as part of the Flex Pass registration options. This workshop will introduce participants to various finance matters, topics, regulations, and strategic issues that shape the American health care system…


    Speaker Image for Dawn Stark
    Dawn M. Stark, CPA, CHFP
    Partner, Healthcare Technical Leader, Plante Moran
    Speaker Image for Britt Tabor
    Britt Tabor, CPA, FACHE
    EVP & CFO/Treasurer, Erlanger Health System
    Speaker Image for Jon Rue
    Partner, Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs LLP
    Standard Price

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