Chris Moore is a partner with Crowe Horwath LLP and located in Louisville, Kentucky. His primary responsibility is to address accounting issues affecting financial instruments and is the firm’s subject matter expert on derivative and hedging transactions, and share-based payments. Additionally, Chris manages the firm’s internal pricing desk that is responsible for firm wide investment security and derivative valuations.
Chris contributes to various firm publications and including implementation guides. He has been interviewed by Financial Executives International and Compliance Week, and written articles for Financial Manager Society’s “Ask an Expert” and Bank Accounting & Finance. In addition to addressing technical issues, Chris is a frequent speaker at national industry and regulatory conferences including the AICPA National Conference on Banks and Savings Institutions, the Federal Reserve Bank Accounting Communications Network, FFIEC Interagency Capital Market Specialists Conference, and Financial Managers Society Finance and Accounting Forum.
Chris holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Ferris State University. He is a certified public accountant, and a member of the American Institute and Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants.