Brian O'Neill CERA, CFA, FSA, MAAA

Senior Manager, Deloitte

Brian is a Senior Manager in the insurance consulting practice at Deloitte. Brian has extensive experience as the signing actuary for pension plan valuations and performing pension plan ALM analyses. Brian has also lead pension de-risking efforts for clients, including lump sum cash outs, LDI strategies, and Group Annuity Buy-Outs. In the Group Annuity Buy-Out space, Brian is currently working with clients developing strategies to inform pricing, giving clients competitive advantage, including use of Predictive Analytics, internal and external reinsurance, third party Financial Guaranty insurance, and multi-insurer strategic splits. Brian also has experience developing robust Economic Capital Modeling (ECM) and Asset Liability Management (ALM) functions and implementing these functions into the larger ERM framework of insurance organizations. In performing this work, Brian has experience managing economic, accounting, regulatory (both domestic and international), and rating agency implications in his roles with ECM and ALM. Brian has worked with large and small organizations and has worked with both direct carriers and reinsurers in performing these projects. Brian spent the first 11 years of his career as a pension valuation/ALM actuary specializing in pension de-risking endeavors, including ALM/LDI, lump sum cash outs, and annuity cash outs. Brian spent the last 5 years of his career building an ECM and ALM function for a bond insurer focused on credit risk, which included comprehensive analysis of insurance and reinsurance counterparties. Relevant Experience Specialization in a wide range of pension risk transfer strategies, including group annuity buyouts. Experience in capital markets solutions from an underwriting perspective, including working with structured settlements. Comprehensive understanding of the PRT market, including 95-1 analysis, deal pricing, separate account structures, and multiple insurer cases. 

Professional Credentials and Activities:

  • Certified Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA) 
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) 
  • Fellow in the Society of Actuaries (FSA) 
  • Member of American Academy of Actuaries 
  • (MAAA) Enrolled Actuary (EA, in process of re-activation) 
  • Education Georgetown University – B.S. Mathematics
