
Ashok Abbott Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Finance, West Virginia University

Ashok Abbott is a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. Ashok received his M.B.A. and Ph.D. in Finance from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. His Ph.D. dissertation title was "The Valuation Effects of Tax Legislation in Corporate Sell-offs.”

Prof. Abbott provides analytical and research support to members of legal and valuation community. He has served as an expert witness in State and Federal Court for depositions, hearings, and trials. His recent assignments include working with S&P, Duff & Phelps, and Willamette Management Associates.

Prof. Abbott supports valuation practitioners and litigators with quantitative research, statistical analysis and economic modeling. His statistical capabilities include sampling and research design, testing for statistical significance, modeling and estimation and regression and time series analysis. He works closely with litigation teams, presenting them with his independent analysis of financial and economic data. He also provides a professional critique of the opposing expert's analysis.


  • Thumbnail for Active Passive Appreciation - Current Update
    November 5, 2018
    Session covers when and why an active passive analysis is needed, how these analyses are typically done and the importance of working with engaging counsel for jurisdictional nuances…


    Speaker Image for William Dameworth
    William C. Dameworth, CPA, CFF, MAFF, CVA
    Member in Charge of Valuation Services, Forensic Strategic Solutions, LLC
    Speaker Image for Ashok Abbott
    Associate Professor of Finance, West Virginia University
    Speaker Image for Chris Mercer
    Chris Mercer, FASA, CFA, ABAR
    Chair, Mercer Capital
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for Emerging and Continuing Conundrums in Cost of Capital
    November 6, 2018
    This session will explore the cost of capital challenges practitioners confront as new research and resources collide with time tested approaches…


    Speaker Image for Ashok Abbott
    Associate Professor of Finance, West Virginia University
    Standard Price

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