Attorney/CPA Panel

Nov 9, 2021 10:40am ‐ Nov 9, 2021 11:30am

Identification: CAN2111

This session is designed to showcase the professional team that cannabis businesses need to surround themselves with in order to truly run a successful operation.  Hear about the necessary interactions and cautions between legal and accounting issues which is imperative for practitioners to understand and respect.  Understand the role of each professional and how each supports each other in this highly complex, constantly evolving industry.  Hear stories from the trenches regarding the importance of working with industry experts.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the role of the CPA in the cannabis industry and the interaction of the role of the attorney to the CPA.
  • Understand the complexities between legal advice and accounting and business advice and where the lines should be drawn.
  • Be aware of red flags in client acceptance, client continuance, and how to rely on your network of professionals to properly serve your clients.

Practical Impact of Section 280E Litigation on Structuring and Due Diligence

Nov 9, 2021 11:35am ‐ Nov 9, 2021 12:25pm

Identification: CAN2112

This panel will discuss resolved and unresolved Section 280E litigation, with a focus on how Section 280E litigation needs to be considered in due diligence, transactions, and tax reporting. After laying that groundwork, we will cover the pros and cons of common structures. This panel will also discuss the impact of cannabis industry regulatory compliance on structuring, transactions, and financial reporting.
Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the IRS's evolving position on the impact of Section 280E on tax inventory accounting and the unresolved questions involving the application of Section 280E
  • Identify the pros and cons of flow-through and C corporation structures in the cannabis industry.
  • How to develop a comprehensive approach to planning and structuring taking into account regulatory and financial reporting requirements.

Valuing Cannabis 2.0: Buckle Up, This is About to Get Interesting!

Nov 9, 2021 1:25pm ‐ Nov 9, 2021 2:15pm

Identification: CAN2113

The session will explore the unique nuances associated with the cannabis industry, including business and intellectual property appraisal challenges. Finding and applying market-based metrics in a rapidly evolving landscape will be contrasted with the use of forward-looking projections under an income approach to value. Jurisdictions like Colorado, Oregon and Washington are now considered to represent established markets versus emerging markets like Michigan, New Jersey and Florida where some are paying premium prices today for potential future opportunity. Lessons learned from Colorado will be highlighted. The session will also briefly explore the challenges of IRC 280E and where to find industry data and resources.

Learning Objectives:
  • Gain an understanding of the unique nuances associated with appraisal assignments in the cannabis sector
  • Explore the application of the income and market approaches to value
  • Identify where to find industry resources

Cannabis and Forensics--How Might the Numbers Indicate Fraud Risks

Nov 9, 2021 2:40pm ‐ Nov 9, 2021 3:30pm

Identification: CAN2114

In this session you will learn about the intersection between taxes, accounting, IFRS vs. US GAAP, and complex business structures which make the cannabis industry ripe for fraud.  Identify red flags of fraud and trace cash flow through complex business entities to understand what to look for in areas of due diligence, investor education, and business structure assistance and set-up.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the complex business structures of cannabis companies and how and why they may be ripe for potential fraud
  • Understand cannabis cash flows including the consideration of taxes and other charges as compared to financial statements
  • Learn from real live cannabis fraud and due diligence cases regarding what to be aware of for both investors and acquirers

Capstone with Fireside Chat

Nov 9, 2021 3:40pm ‐ Nov 9, 2021 4:55pm

Identification: CAN2116